Hi All,

Can anyone please explain the perfdata parameter on icinga-web for memory 
service showing the foillowing values:


I have configured the service.conf on windows agent for memory as:
apply Service "memory" {
        import "generic-service"
        check_command = "memory-windows"
        vars.memory_win_warn = "90%"
        vars.memory_win_crit = "90"
        vars.memory_win_unit = "mb"
        assign where host.name == NodeName

And as per my understanding if I have given vars.memory_win_warn = "90%" then 
the warning should only be given when it crosses 90% of used memory but actual 
memory used in the agent is 2.56Gb of 16GB installed. Can you please confirm 
the issue with the above code? 

Kind Regards,

Rohit Gupta

-----Original Message-----
From: icinga-users [mailto:icinga-users-boun...@lists.icinga.org] On Behalf Of 
Rohit Gupta
Sent: 26 October 2015 12:48
To: Icinga User's Corner <icinga-users@lists.icinga.org>
Subject: Re: [icinga-users] Service related question for remote node (windows)

Dear All,

Unable to make memory usage warning and critical threshold parameters work on 
windows agent. I have also tried blog 
https://lists.icinga.org/pipermail/icinga-users/2015-June/009641.html and tried 
adding the variables parameter in command-plugins-windows.conf but I am not 
receiving any warning message on icinga-web.

If anyone will put some light on it and assist would be highly appreciated. 

Kind Regards,

Rohit Gupta

-----Original Message-----
From: icinga-users [mailto:icinga-users-boun...@lists.icinga.org] On Behalf Of 
Rohit Gupta
Sent: 26 October 2015 11:29
To: Icinga User's Corner <icinga-users@lists.icinga.org>
Subject: Re: [icinga-users] Service related question for remote node (windows)

Thanks - double quotes has solved the issue. But, with the values given , I am 
seeing the server showing memory critical on the icinga-web. Whereas the memory 
is currently 84% free on the server. Do you think the parameters with 
respective values are correct if I wanted to configure 70% warning and 90% 
critical indicators? 

Kind Regards,

Rohit Gupta
IT Infrastructure Manager
Synchronized Communications Ltd

-----Original Message-----
From: icinga-users [mailto:icinga-users-boun...@lists.icinga.org] On Behalf Of 
Gunnar Beutner
Sent: 26 October 2015 11:22
To: icinga-users@lists.icinga.org
Subject: Re: [icinga-users] Service related question for remote node (windows)

70% and 90% are strings, i.e. you need to put double quotes around them.

On 26/10/15 12:20, "icinga-users on behalf of Rohit Gupta" 
<icinga-users-boun...@lists.icinga.org on behalf of rohit.gu...@syncoms.co.uk> 

>Hi Horatiu,
>I added the following code in the services.conf file 
>vars.memory_win_warn = 70% vars.memory_win_crit = 90%
>but when I am restarting the icinga2 service then it is failing to start. If I 
>remove the above code and restart the icinga2 service then it works fine. Can 
>you suggest as why the arguments causing the issue?
>Kind Regards,
>Rohit Gupta
>-----Original Message-----
>From: icinga-users [mailto:icinga-users-boun...@lists.icinga.org] On 
>Behalf Of Horatiu N
>Sent: 26 October 2015 11:06
>To: icinga-users@lists.icinga.org
>Subject: Re: [icinga-users] Service related question for remote node
>apply Service "memory" {
>import "generic-service"
>vars.memory_win_warn = 70%
>vars.memory_win_crit = 90%
>check_command = "memory-windows"
>assign where host.name == NodeName
>I guess that should do it.
>On 26-Oct-15 11:12 AM, Rohit Gupta wrote:
>> Hi Horatiu,
>> Thanks for replying back.
>> I have read this document on your last email but little bit confused in 
>> passing the parameters. If you can give an example for this that would be 
>> gr8 and it will help me pass the arguments for rest of the commands too. 
>> Much appreciated in advance.
>> Kind Regards,
>> Rohit Gupta
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: icinga-users [mailto:icinga-users-boun...@lists.icinga.org] On 
>> Behalf Of Horatiu N
>> Sent: 23 October 2015 18:43
>> To: icinga-users@lists.icinga.org
>> Subject: Re: [icinga-users] Service related question for remote node
>> (windows)
>> http://docs.icinga.org/icinga2/latest/doc/module/icinga2/toc#!/icinga
>> 2
>> /latest/doc/module/icinga2/chapter/windows-plugins#windows-plugins-me
>> m
>> ory-windows
>> Percentage based thresholds can be used by adding a '%' to the threshold 
>> value. Keep in mind that memory_win_unit is applied before the value is 
>> calculated.
>> It sais so plainly right there.
>> On 23-Oct-15 7:17 PM, Rohit Gupta wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> If anyone can give an example to pass the arguments value 
>>> "memory_win_warn" " memory_win_crit" on
>>> apply Service "memory" {
>>> import "generic-service"
>>> check_command = "memory-windows"
>>> assign where host.name == NodeName
>>> }
>>> Much appreciated
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> Rohit Gupta
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Rohit Gupta
>>> Sent: 23 October 2015 11:09
>>> To: icinga-users@lists.icinga.org
>>> Subject: RE: [icinga-users] Service related question for remote node
>>> (windows)
>>> Hi Horatiu,
>>> Thanks a lot for your support. You're a star.
>>> Another questions related to the same config: what will be the 
>>> configuration if I have to place check points on the memory and disk usage? 
>>> For instance if I want to set warning message if memory utilization reaches 
>>> 80% and critical indicator when it reaches 90%? Also the same indicators 
>>> for disk space check?
>>> Thanks in advance :-)
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> Rohit Gupta
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: icinga-users [mailto:icinga-users-boun...@lists.icinga.org] On 
>>> Behalf Of Horatiu N
>>> Sent: 22 October 2015 18:02
>>> To: icinga-users@lists.icinga.org
>>> Subject: Re: [icinga-users] Service related question for remote node
>>> (windows)
>>> Hello,
>>> From what you're telling me it looks like you need to setup a check memory 
>>> service.
>>> Should be like this on your windows server:
>>> in C:\Program Files (x86)\ICINGA2\etc\icinga2\conf.d\services.conf
>>> or wherever you installed it :)
>>> just add this (check already existing examples for inspiration)
>>> apply Service "memory" {
>>> import "generic-service"
>>> check_command = "memory-windows"
>>> assign where host.name == NodeName
>>> }
>>> then restart the service or reload it i dont know exactly how that works in 
>>> windows, and wait a couple of seconds for the config to be sent to the 
>>> master then on the master issue a icinga2 node list and you should see smth 
>>> like :
>>> Node 'windowsserver' (last seen: Thu Oct 22 20:00:07 2015)
>>>     * Host 'windowsserver'
>>>         * Service 'ping4'
>>>         * Service 'ping6'
>>>         * Service 'disk'
>>>         * Service 'disk C:'
>>>         * Service 'icinga'
>>>         * Service 'load'
>>>         * Service 'procs'
>>>         * Service 'swap'
>>>         * Service 'users'
>>>         * Service 'memory' <---- there .
>>> then just update your config
>>> icinga2 node update-config
>>> service icinga2 restart
>>> and check your front-end. that should do it.
>>> more on this plugin's specifics here :
>>> http://docs.icinga.org/icinga2/latest/doc/module/icinga2/toc#!/icing
>>> a
>>> 2
>>> /latest/doc/module/icinga2/chapter/windows-plugins#windows-plugins-m
>>> e
>>> m
>>> ory-windows
>>> Best wishes :)
>>> Horatiu.
>>> On 22-Oct-15 6:29 PM, Rohit Gupta wrote:
>>>> Dear,
>>>> I am newbie and have been assigned to configure Icinga2 as our 
>>>> monitoring tool. So far, I have been successful in installing
>>>> Icinga2 on Ubuntu server 15.04 following the setup docs and also 
>>>> been successful in installing the remote client (windows Server) 
>>>> icinga agent application and synchronizing with Master node.
>>>> Now, I can see the new server on the icinga-web but I am unable to 
>>>> see ‘mem’ service on it. Can you please assist as what do I have to 
>>>> do in order to get ‘mem’ service listed? Also if I have to setup 
>>>> the arguments on disk capacity & mem (for instance warn, critical
>>>> etc) then on which files I have to make changes in order to make it happen.
>>>> Thanks in advance for your generosity and time to assist.
>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>> *Rohit Gupta*
>>>> IT Infrastructure Manager
>>>> * *
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