On Thu, 16 Apr 2015, Michael Friedrich wrote:

Stripping out php some years ago wasn't the best idea either,
but in the end the long term solution for Classic UI issues
is Icinga Web 2.

   I'll politely disagree that "stipping out php [...] wasn't
the best idea [...]" as that was one of the acts that kept the
entire suite relevant and useful in my environment.  Whilst I
agree that there needs to be a more "modern" UI -- especially
for those who have never used anything other than "modern"
interfaces -- there still needs to be a lightweight interface
that gets the job done in a minimal environment.

   I think the Web interface is nice and very flashy, but it's
fat enough that it renders the machines in my lab unusable (due
to memory consumption issues) so I depend on the C interface
for actual work.  I run databases on the systems (one MySQL and
the other Postgres) so could deploy the Web interface if any
of the other systems were robust enough, but that's not the
case.  I use the databases for other things like history and
monitoring the monitoring systems ("watching the watchers").


| Carl Richard Friend (UNIX Sysadmin)            | West Boylston       |
| Minicomputer Collector / Enthusiast            | Massachusetts, USA  |
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