On 17.04.2014 01:35, Simon Walter wrote:
Is there a mailing list I can subscribe to get announcements about
Icinga2? A commit digest perhaps?
There is icinga-announce providing release announcements, additionally
blog.icinga.org helps to keep track.
If you're looking for a git commit list, try icinga-checkins.
Other than that, git.icinga.org and github.com/icinga allow you to fetch
the latest and greatest yourself.
On irc.freenode.net #icinga-devel icinga-gitbot will also dump any
occuring commits.
DI (FH) Michael Friedrich
michael.friedr...@gmail.com || icinga open source monitoring
https://twitter.com/dnsmichi || lead core developer
dnsmi...@jabber.ccc.de || https://www.icinga.org/team
irc.freenode.net/icinga || dnsmichi
icinga-users mailing list