It's pretty simple if you are only using the snap to create a full volume dump 
and you can use FlashCopy instead of snap.  (Not sure if there is a separate 
license on the EMC box for this).  DSS COPY FULL with DUMPCONDITIONING will 
copy the source volser and put it on the target volume such that when you do a 
DSS DUMP FULL that it will use the volser of the original volume as the volser 
for the dump copy.  VOLA -> VOLB(VOLA) -> VOLA

On another note, HSM FRBACKUP does this at scale for every volume in a storage 
group.  The best part is that HSM keeps track of which volumes all of the data 
sets reside and it's a simple FRRECOVER DSNAME command and HSM will recover all 
of the pieces (even for data sets that have been deleted or have since moved to 
a new location for existing data sets) and recatalog them.

Glenn Wilcock
DFSMS Chief Product Owner

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