IMHO no.
Restore should be *easy*.
Backup can be a little bit more complex and the most complex can be design.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

W dniu 25.01.2025 o 18:36, Mike Schwab pisze:
A LISTCAT from the source system should be included in the backup.  If
you search the listing, you will find the components and can build the
recatalog from there.

On Sat, Jan 25, 2025 at 8:05 AM rpinion865
<> wrote:
Bingo, give that man a cigar.  You are right, the source volume is snapped to a 
BCP volume, different volser, and the backup is taken of the BCP volume.  That 
explains it, the other poster pointed out not properly cataloged VSAM.

"Confidentially doc, I am the wabbit."

Bugs Bunny

Sent from Proton Mail Android

-------- Original Message --------
On 1/25/25 8:49 AM, Radoslaw 
Skorupka<> wrote:

  My guess:
  You dumped a volume. Physical dump.
  But your volume contained no catalogued datasets. This is not source
  volume, but a snap (clone) of it. Different volser I guess.
  VSAM file is not just a bunch of extents on disk, fully described in
  VTOC. VSAM comprise of components *and* ICF entries.
  Note, since you have snapped a volume the VVDS (it is a part of ICF) was
  not updated. But the volser is different.

  Radoslaw Skorupka
  Lodz, Poland

  W dniu 25.01.2025 o 13:55, rpinion865 pisze:
  > The ICF catalog is active on the system where the backup and restore are 
  > "Confidentially doc, I am the wabbit."
  > Bugs Bunny
  > Sent from Proton Mail Android
  > -------- Original Message --------
  > On 1/25/25 7:42 AM, 
rpinion865<> wrote:
  >>   The VSAM dataset is cataloged in a ICF catalog.  They are not 
SYS1.anything.  The dataset is a SMPE CSI dataset cataloged in a user ICF catalog.  I 
can restore non-VSAM datasets with the same HLQ of the VSAM dataset.
  >>   "Confidentially doc, I am the wabbit."
  >>   Bugs Bunny
  >>   Sent from Proton Mail Android
  >>   -------- Original Message --------
  >>   On 1/25/25 1:07 AM, Brian 
Westerman<> wrote:
  >>   >  RESTORE  -
  >>   >          INDDNAME(TAPE) OUTDDNAME(DASD1)  -
  >>   >          DATASET(INCLUDE(**)) LOGICALVOLUME(111111)  -
  >>   >          REPLACE
  >>   >
  >>   >  The following data sets cannot be processed by physical data set DUMP 
or RESTORE operations:
  >>   >
  >>   >      VSAM data sets not cataloged in an integrated catalog facility 
  >>   >      Page, swap, and SYS1.STGINDEX data sets.
  >>   >
  >>   >
  >>   >  So, if you are doing a physcial dump (probably dump full) then the 
VSAM dataset you are trying to restore likely doesn't exist in your current catalog 
structure.  You could however restore the entire volume and do a dataset copy from 
volume to volume and catalog it then during the copy operation.
  >>   >
  >>   >  The reason it won't work if it doesn't already exist in your catalog structure 
is that it can't get the data from the VVDS of the volume you are restoring from and it can't see 
it in your BCS, so it doesn't have enough information to create the valid dataset.  If you r 
estore the volume first, it will be able to get the needed info from the VVDS of that volume when 
it copies the dataset to the "new" volume.
  >>   >
  >>   >  If you don't want to have to operate in that manner, then you would 
need to change your backup process to do logical backups instead of physical ones.
  >>   >
  >>   >  Or, if you have HSM, you could use HSM to do the volume backups and 
dumps and then you can restore from those.
  >>   >
  >>   >  Brian
  >>   >

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