W dniu 24.01.2025 o 16:41, Peter pisze:

My organization has asked me to explore about the vendors who are still
providing external physical tape backup.

How many companies are there who are making physical tape Solutions and I
would like to discuss with them.

Any pointers would be appreciated.

Short answer: NO.
Longer answer: YES!

1. No, you cannot have mainframe volume located 1:1 on physical tape. No MVS device is physically a tape drive - like disk devices. 2. Yes. There are few VTS vendors which do offer their VTS systems with physical tape library at backend. Notable example is IBM, which dominates the market.
3. Why physical tape? For several reasons:
3.1. Capacity. Many petabytes. Good for cold data.
3.2. Tapes can be ejected and... in that case I would look at IBM solution ONLY.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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