wow Paul, congratulations! Cannot wait to check it out! best regards,
René. > On 22 Jan 2025, at 07:53, Paul Edwards > <> wrote: > > A 35+ year quest to port MSDOS (or similar) to the mainframe > has now been sufficiently done. > > My usual integrity test is to see if gcc 3.2.3 can reproduce itself. > The z/PDOS-generic version of gcc 3.2.3 can now do this - byte-exact. > > A ridiculous amount of effort was spent to get here. More-or-less > my life's work (plus there was help from other people). > > You can get from and run it under > or (Hercules/380) from the same place. > > All in glorious EBCDIC. > > This includes the ability to run microemacs as the editor (at the > OS level it uses an EBCDIC version of ANSI X3.64 (Hercules/380 > does the required translation to ASCII so that you can use > standard telnet). > > And this is an EBCDIC FAT32 file system. > > And almost all the code is written in C - C90 - which is what was > available (quibbling aside) when I started wondering why I couldn't > run the same tools on the mainframe that I could run on the PC. > > Note that this should not be confused with z/PDOS, which run > (some) MVS executables with a lot of restrictions. z/PDOS was > never self-hosting, but z/PDOS-generic is. > > Oh - also included is as370 - a version of binutils gas that supports > a subset of hlasm (which gccmvs generates). > > BFN. Paul. > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, > send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN