A 35+ year quest to port MSDOS (or similar) to the mainframe
has now been sufficiently done.

My usual integrity test is to see if gcc 3.2.3 can reproduce itself.
The z/PDOS-generic version of gcc 3.2.3 can now do this - byte-exact.

A ridiculous amount of effort was spent to get here. More-or-less
my life's work (plus there was help from other people).

You can get zpg.zip from https://pdos.org and run it under herc32.zip
or herc64.zip (Hercules/380) from the same place.

All in glorious EBCDIC.

This includes the ability to run microemacs as the editor (at the
OS level it uses an EBCDIC version of ANSI X3.64 (Hercules/380
does the required translation to ASCII so that you can use
standard telnet).

And this is an EBCDIC FAT32 file system.

And almost all the code is written in C - C90 - which is what was
available (quibbling aside) when I started wondering why I couldn't
run the same tools on the mainframe that I could run on the PC.

Note that this should not be confused with z/PDOS, which run
(some) MVS executables with a lot of restrictions. z/PDOS was
never self-hosting, but z/PDOS-generic is.

Oh - also included is as370 - a version of binutils gas that supports
a subset of hlasm (which gccmvs generates).

BFN. Paul.

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