Convoluted and not intuitive but it works.

On Tue, Jan 21, 2025 at 6:05 PM Glenn Knickerbocker <> wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Jan 2025 21:10:57 -0600, Lionel B Dyck <> wrote:
> >Corrected URL as the article was moved to the Tutorials section of the site
> >
> It took me a while to understand what the alternative was to
>  call outtrap 't.'
>  x = sayit('Calling LISTD')
> that *didn't* capture the output.
> I thought at first you might be pointing out a difference between calling 
> SAYIT as a function:
>  x = sayit('Calling LISTD')
> and as a command:
>  'SAYIT Calling LISTD'
> But no, the output is trapped either way.  It finally dawned on me that you 
> were hoping for OUTTRAP to capture the exec's own console output:
>  call outtrap 't.'
>  say 'Calling LISTD' /* trap this to be processed later */
> So the real "secret" here is that the scope of "command output" captured by 
> OUTTRAP is the output of commands issued by the exec (where an external 
> function or subroutine is effectively called as a command), and doesn't 
> include the exec's own output.
> The presumption was probably that your exec could manage its own output and 
> didn't need OUTTRAP to process it.  Unfortunately, you can't just increment 
> OUTTRAP's index yourself and insert your own lines, something like:
>  next = t.0 + 1
> = 'Calling LISTD'
>  t.0 = next  /* nope, OUTTRAP won't use this */
> because OUTTRAP keeps its own index internally and won't refer back to T.0 to 
> see where to save the next line of output.  You'd have to keep a "stem of 
> stems" and then process them all together later:
>  t.0 = 0
>  ...
>  next = t.0 + 1
>  t.0 = next
> = 'Calling LISTD'
>  t.text.2 = ' '
> = 2
>  next = t.0 + 1
>  t.0 = next
>  Call Outtrap 'T.'next'.'
>  "listd 'sys1.parmlib'"
>  next = t.0 + 1
>  t.0 = next
> = ' '
> = 'LISTD Completed.'
> = 2
>  ...
>  Call Outtrap 'OFF'
>  Do i = 1 to t.0
>   Do j = 1 to t.i.0
>    Say t.i.j
>   End
>  End
> ¬R
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Lionel B. Dyck <><

"Worry more about your character than your reputation.  Character is
what you are, reputation merely what others think you are." - John

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