W dniu 18.01.2025 o 17:01, Russell Witt pisze:
Since you already have a license for CA 1, you can do that right now without 
having to purchase or license anything additional. With CA 1 Flexible Storage, 
that functionality is already built into the product at no additional charge or 
license needed. Please contact CA 1 support for more information, or you can 
contact me directly.

Russell Witt
CA 1 Flexible Storage

Can you provide more details about the solution?
How it is related to CA Cloud Storage for System z on z/OS or CA VTape? Is it replacement?
Can user simply write to "cloud tape volume" using IEBGENER or ADRDSSU?
Can DFSMShsm use it as any other tape drives?

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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