IBM has delivered an APAR OA66450 to DFSMSdss 3.1 which provides direct to cloud support. I believe this is what you need, because DFSMSdfp CDA is very limited in the type of data you can put to S3.
Although OA66450 is also having a PTF for DFSMSdss v2.5, it's toleration only, so you really need z/OS 3.1. You should talk to Andrew Wilt or Glen Willcock of IBM. Andrew is product owner of DFSMSdfp CDA. There are other enhancements coming, but I can't give more details, as they are under NDA. Please be aware that reaching immutability on S3 depends on the support of object/bucket locking. This is currently not directly supported via CDA. However, if your S3 API supports it, you probably will be able to put it in de json definition for the S3 connection. Cohesity S3 API supports object locking, but you need to be at a certain level of Cohesity. If you want to obtain immutability on cohesity point of view, you need to look into DATALOCK on cohesity. regards, Luc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN