
Am Mon, Apr 08, 2024 at 01:32:25PM -0700 schrieb Felix Lechner:
> I operated a 1 GB web server that ran Guix on Linode for a while.  Did
> you configure a swap partition?

actually I did not, good idea!

Am Tue, Apr 09, 2024 at 05:23:56AM -0700 schrieb Felix Lechner:
> There is also 'guix deploy' from a stronger machine, which I recommend
> for any VPS.

And this is another good idea, thanks!

I tried to reproduce the problem, but so far could not; maybe something
changed, maybe I made a mistake previously. I tried to monitor memory
usage by a very crude "cat /proc/meminfo|head -3"; the minimum values
I saw were around these:
MemTotal:        2024516 kB
MemFree:           31768 kB
MemAvailable:     140064 kB
This happened when building guix-base, which seems to be particularly
memory hungry.

So if I understand correctly, 2GB is about the amount of memory needed
for "guix pull".

Now I have been running out of disk space, but this is another problem.


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