Hello, what you intend does sound very interesting.  As for “guix
time-machine”, I do not see the problem:

Denis 'GNUtoo' Carikli <gnu...@cyberdimension.org> writes:
> But then we would still like to somehow make guix time-machine
> --commit=<hash> work automatically, so we need to somehow fetch that
> revision, and if possible without touching the current guix revision
> not to mess up the system of people that also use Guix for other
> things. For that we probably need to add an option to guix pull and
> upstream that. 
> Since that could take some time, we could start by detecting if the
> revision we need is not there and in that case at the same time point
> users to the Guix manual to run guix pull, and warn about the issue of
> changing guix revision, store the older guix revision in a well known
> place and provide instructions to restore it.

“guix time-machine” is confined to the store and does not leave traces,
like “guix build” and unlike “guix pull”.  It is basically “guix pull”
without traces.

> We already added grub-coreboot in Guix

Ahh that was your work, GNU Booters; great job!  (Although I have no
machine to try yet.)

> What you suggested could indeed be the way to go: replace the code to
> at least install and configure Guix with a pointer to the installation
> section of the official Guix manual, and improve it along the way if we
> need to (by mentioning more distro packages for instance). This should
> take care of the substitutes configuration issue.

Simplifying install docs is being discussed and we would like more


At the same time, me citing the Arch Wiki’s negative stance on distros’
guix packages
and the dealing with the recent Guix local privilege escalation
hopefully will not cost us our Debian package.

> As for supporting various guix build options (like '-c, --cores=N',
> '--max-jobs=N'), we could probably make that configurable in GNU Boot
> with the help of autotools.

I do not know, but maybe the Autotools of Guix itself use something like
this to deal with “make -j4”.

I’m looking forward to reading much of the info you gave in this mail on
a GNU Boot website, or if the info is there already I just missed it.


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