On 22 jun. 2012, at 18:23, Ted Zlatanov wrote:

> On Thu, 21 Jun 2012 15:44:48 +0200 Bas van der Vlies <b...@sara.nl> wrote: 
> BvdV> On 06/21/2012 02:50 PM, Ted Zlatanov wrote:
>>> On Thu, 21 Jun 2012 13:46:15 +0200 Bas van der Vlies <b...@sara.nl> wrote: 
>>> I have not updated CFEngine::stdlib in Design Center from the copbl
>>> repository because the newer stdlib version has service promises, while
>>> Design Center supports 3.2.x, which doesn't have service promises.
>>> There are very exciting changes coming in 3.4 (see the cfengine core
>>> Github repository, and Mark Burgess tweeted about metadata and
>>> namespaces) so when that's out we're very likely to make it the minimum
>>> required version for Design Center, and to do minor sketch rewrites to
>>> make use of the new functionality.
> BvdV> I have seen and read them ;-). So the copbl will be the leading one. 
> Then i will use this one and forget the others.
> BvdV> Will the metadata or name space solve the problem of multiple includes 
> of copbl library or is this senario impossible with cf-sketch?
> This is exactly how we will solve it, with namespaces.
> CFEngine::stdlib will have the default namespace, to preserve backward
> compatibility and to make it easier to use.
> CFEngine::stdlib::x_y_z will have the stdlib__x_y_z namespace.
> This approach will work for other sketches as well that wish to provide
> multiple versions, of course.  From experience I think it's better to
> provide this kind of versioning explicitly than automatically, based on
> the module version in sketch.json.  Doing it automatically can cause
> some nasty bugs.  So I won't have any built-in support in cf-sketch to
> set the namespace based on the sketch name.

Ted i have read about the namespaces and indeed it wiill solve it. This feature 
and the defaults addition are nice features ;-)

Bas van der Vlies

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