On 04/30/2012 12:58 AM, Abid Khwaja wrote:
> I have a client CF3 host (cfengine 3.2.3) that is running the policy below.  
> When I run "cf-execd --no-fork”, I see that 2 additional processes are 
> started:  cf-monitord & cf-serverd.  Shouldn’t cf-serverd only run the the 
> CF3 master host?  There is nothing in this policy that would tell the client 
> it needs to distribute files so why is cf-serverd started?  If it’s because 
> cf-serverd must run on clients as well in case a response is required to 
> cf-runagent, is there any way to turn off this functionality - I don’t want 
> any client to be listening for cf-runagent requests until I have a specific 
> need to have such functionality.

There is no requirement for cf-serverd to run on hosts, but most people
run it on all hosts. As you mention it is required if you intend to use
cf-runagent. People also will run it on all hosts in order to
orchestrate more distributed actions.

As far as how to stop it from happening I suspect that cf-serverd is
being started during your update/failsafe. Look in your body executor
control. What is the exec_command? I suspect its something like
"$(sys.cf_twin) -f failsafe.cf && $(sys.cf_agent)". Thats two seperate
processes, basically update the policy, and if successful then run the
policy. The default bootstrap policy does start cf-monitord and
cf-serverd. Look in failsafe.cf for handle update_processes_cf_serverd
and update_processes_cf_monitord.

Nick Anderson <n...@cmdln.org>
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