Forum: CFEngine Help
Subject: Deleting extra entries inside config that's built by edit_line(s)
Author: terok
Link to topic:,25689,25689#msg-25689


I have a promise that sets configuration values in  sections. Now this
works just fine. I'm looking to enhance it further, so I could actually enforce
the parameters in the sections. Currently it does replace erroneus values of 
parameters with correct ones. What it doesn't do is remove extra entries. Say 
someone adds entirely new 'option = value' directly to the config file. Or that
I would just remove one of the array entries in the promise. 

I couldn't use the edit_defaults => empty, as I'm iterating multiple times over
the file. That would only leave me with the values from last array expanded. 
I wouldn't want to put the variables inside the edit_line bundle or use a 

Is there any way to enforce, with my current approach, that *only* the values 
in the promise vars are found inside the block and rest are removed?

Here's a self contained example of my current policy:

body common control
    bundlesequence => { "block_conf" };

bundle agent block_conf


        "conf"  string => "/tmp/test.conf";

        # List of config blocks we have.
        # Value is the  without []
        # Key is the array variable set below.
        "array_ref"       string =>       "USER";
        "array_ref"       string =>       "HOST";
        "array_ref"        string =>       "API";

        #  block
        "user"                string => "randomuser",
                        policy => "free";
        "user"                string => "randompass",
                        policy => "free";

        #  block
        "host"                string => "randomhost",
                        policy => "free";
        "host"                    string => "randomport",
                        policy => "free";

        #  block
        "api"                      string => "/randomget",
                        policy => "free";
        "api"                     string => "/randompost",
                        policy => "free";

        # Open up the array_ref array.
        "array_ref_keys"        slist => getindices("array_ref");

                comment => "Set the $(conf) config values",
                create => "true",
                # Iterate over all available blocks and add the entries.
                edit_line => 


bundle edit_line set_config_values_w_delim_and_block(v,delim,block)

 # Sets the RHS of configuration items in the file of the form
 # LHS delim RHS _after_ the given block. Also adds the block as such before 
 # #
 # [$(block)]
 # lhs $(delim) rhs
 # #

 # If the line is commented out with #, it gets uncommented first.
 # Adds a new line if none exists.

  "index" slist => getindices("$(v)");

  # Be careful if the index string contains funny chars
  "cindex[$(index)]" string => canonify("$(index)");

  # If the line is there, maybe commented out, uncomment and replace with
  # the correct value
  "^\s*($(index)\s+(?!$(delim)\s+$($(v)[$(index)])).*|# ?$(index)\s+.*)$"
    replace_with => value("$(index) $(delim) $($(v)[$(index)])"),
    select_region => edit_in_between("^\[$(block)\]","^#\"),
    classes => always("replace_attempted_$(cindex[$(index)])");


  "$(index) $(delim) $($(v)[$(index)])"
   #insert_type => "preserve_block",
   select_region => edit_in_between("^\[$(block)\]","^#\"),
   ifvarclass => "replace_attempted_$(cindex[$(index)])";


body classes always(x)

# Define a class no matter what the outcome of the promise is

  promise_repaired => { "$(x)" };
  promise_kept => { "$(x)" };
  repair_failed => { "$(x)" };
  repair_denied => { "$(x)" };
  repair_timeout => { "$(x)" };

body replace_with value(x)
replace_value => "$(x)";
occurrences => "all";

# Select region between start and end patterns
body select_region edit_in_between(start, end) {
  select_start => "$(start)";
  select_end => "$(end)";

And the output is:


password = randompass
username = randomuser

hostname = randomhost
port = randomport

get = /randomget
post = /randompost


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