On 04/03/2012 01:47 PM, no-re...@cfengine.com wrote:
> Forum: CFEngine Help Subject: Re: Odd behavior overriding
> parameterized bundle values. Author: neilhwatson Link to topic:
> https://cfengine.com/forum/read.php?3,25448,25456#msg-25456
> Is this a case where the reports promises are verified on the first
> pass and thus locked on the second?

Well, whats odd is that the passed in parameters is what is reported
when I have no classes section. And the class thats set in that
example isn't even used outside of the classes section, I just kept
tearing out pieces of the policy until I yanked all the classes and
noticed the behavior change.

When the classes section is present I get the default values reported.
Since the parameter values are copied into the local array after the
defaults are set I would expect to see the parameter values reported.

I got the pattern out of Diegos book, I have done similar before, but
I think this is the first time I am using the implicit looping to copy
over the parameter values. Other times I have set a class specific to
each defined parameter and overridden for each only if it was defined.

I haven't tried to revert to that pattern with this example yet.
Nick Anderson <n...@cmdln.org>
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