Forum: CFEngine Help
Subject: Re: CFEngine Help: Re: bundle common variables
Author: sauer
Link to topic:,25444,25457#msg-25457

Nick Anderson Wrote:
> On 04/03/2012 10:52 AM, Denis Zinevich wrote:
> > btw, one more clarification about bundle common
> > 
> > do i have to include my common bundles to
> > body common control bundlesequence ?
> They will either have to be in the bundlesequence
> or you will need to call them with a methods type promise.

To clarify (or muddy): variables defined in included files exist even if the 
actual bundles they're in are not in the bundlesequence or ever otherwise 
executed.  Same deal with classes defined in common bundles.  The exception is 
that variables and classes used in the common control body need to be defined 
directly in; they can't be in included files at all, because the 
file inclusion happens after common control has been processed.

But anyway, the vars-are-defined-without-the-bundle-being-"run" thing has an 
interesting side effect.  If you have a variable or class which executes a 
program (via execresult() or similar), that program gets run both by 
cf-promises (possibly three times) and by cf-agent (again, probably three 
times) even if you take the containing bundle out of the bundlesequence.  
Further, if you do that in a common bundle, the program gets run by all 
binaries when they reevaluate the policy - including cf-execd, cf-serverd, and 

root@host:/tmp # cat           
body common control {
  inputs => { "" };
  bundlesequence => { "a" };
bundle common a {
  cfengine:: "Imported variable is $(otherbundle.othervar)";
root@host:/tmp # cat
bundle agent otherbundle {
  "othervar" string => execresult("/bin/echo hello", "noshell");
root@host:/tmp # cf-agent -Kf ./
R: Imported variable is hello

cf-serverd example, changing the command to touch:

root@host:/tmp # cat
bundle agent otherbundle {
  "othervar" string => execresult("/bin/touch /tmp/file", "noshell");
root@host:/tmp # rm /tmp/file       
root@host:/tmp # cf-serverd -f ./ 
Could not bind server address
 !!! System error for bind: "Address already in use"
Could not bind server address
 !!! System error for bind: "Address already in use"
Couldn't open bind an open socket
root@host:/tmp # ls /tmp/file

And even cf-promises:

root@host:/tmp # rm /tmp/file              
root@host:/tmp # cf-promises -f ./        
root@host:/tmp # ls /tmp/file               

Neat, eh?  It makes sense, but is something to be aware of.

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