On 04/03/2012 09:55 AM, Denis Zinevich wrote:
> thanks.
> just half a minute ago figured out my mistake.
> Here's piece of doc, may be usefull for someone else:
> "Only local lists can be expanded directly. Thus ‘$(list)’ can be expanded 
> but not ‘$(context.list)’. Global list references have to be mapped into a 
> local context if you want to use them for iteration. See the reference manual 
> for more information.
> "
> So string and slist behave a bit differently when accessed from non local 
> bundle.

Yes thats correct, you would need to "import" the list locally for
implicit looping.

This is changing in 3.3.0, you will be able to implicitly loop over
globally referenced lists.

Nick Anderson <n...@cmdln.org>
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