Forum: CFEngine Help
Subject: Re: Permissions and ownership with recursive copy_from
Author: sauer
Link to topic:,25291,25394#msg-25394

You can use the module protocol to dynamically create variables, and then you 
can use as complicated of logic as you want.  I don't know if the module 
protocol allows creation of arrays yet or not, but you could easily create 
"perms__path_to_file" and in CFEngine do canon("perms${filepath}").

Modules are a relatively expensive way to do it, though.  Probably better to 
have an external file, or to just directly edit the CFEngine policy files.  I 
wrote a perl CFEngine parser a while back using Parse::RecDescent to build a 
tree structure representing the policy.  It's not done yet, but if that's the 
route you want to follow, I'd happily share the code.

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