Forum: CFEngine Help Subject: Re: Permissions and ownership with recursive copy_from Author: sauer Link to topic:,25291,25322#msg-25322
I'd be inclined to set preserve to false in the rcp body, and have separate permission setting code per-file/directory. You could probably create a 2-D array and use something along the lines of: vars: "perms" string => "johnny"; "perms" string => "0644"; "perms" string => "billy" "perms" string => "0640" "files" slist => getindices("perms"); files: "$(files)" perms => mo("$(perls[$(files)])", "$(perls[$(files)])"); ...Assuming "mo" is a perms body which takes mode and owner as parameters. Adding suport for groups and maybe an option for enabling/disabling recursion are excercises left for the reader. ;) _______________________________________________ Help-cfengine mailing list