On 03/23/2012 03:19 AM, no-re...@cfengine.com wrote:
> Forum: CFEngine Help
> Subject: Client issues
> Author: tjavo87
> Link to topic: https://cfengine.com/forum/read.php?3,25362,25362#msg-25362
> Hi All,
> I encounter a strange behaviour of our cliënts. When I change a promise file 
> on the policy server, the cliënt
> does not see the change. (the md5 is different on policy server and cliënt)

Can you post the policy you have for updating? If you are using the
cf_promises_validated file as a checkpoint for clients to notice if they
have updates or not it could be that your times are off between the
servers. Since cf_promises_validated doesn't have any content right now
it can really only be checked on time modification. (3.3.0 is bringing a
timestamp to that file so you can use digest to determine more
accurately if there is an update or not.)

Also if you haven't done something that updates the
cf_promises_validated file on the server then the client wont recognize
an updated policy is available for it.

> The policy server, which is a cliënt of itself is the only one who has the 
> correct version of the files in the inputs
> directory.

This is likely because the policy server should ALWAYS update its inputs
from masterfiles, remote clients typically only update the policy if
cf_promises_validated has been updated. The default bootstrap update
policy does not have the policyhub check the cf_promises_validated file,
since the policy hub must update the cf_promises_validated file when
updated policy has been validated to not have syntax errors.

This cf_promises_validated checking serves two purposes. First it helps
limit the load on the policyhub from clients checking a bunch of policy
files that don't need checked each time. Second it helps you from
distributing broken policy to all of your clients, since if there is a
syntax error in the policy the cf_promises_validated file wont be
updated, and thus the clients wont attempt to update all of the policy

> When looking in the log of the cliënt, there is nothing strange. It only 
> tells that cfengine is running.
> Mar 23 08:05:23 test cf3[32021]:  R: Fri Mar 23 08:05:22 2012 --> CFE is 
> running on test
> All the files are valid when checking with cf-promises
> When running cf-agent in verbose mode there is no error.
> If I change a config file that will be copiëd to a cliënt that change take 
> place. The new file will be copied tot he cliënt. (strange?)

This is likely because you are using copy_from on a specific file to be
distributed. Each time the policy runs the client checks that file for
changes (for simplicity I am ignoring locking in this explanation). The
rest of the policy that you are looking for updates from probably rely
on the encompassing update which relies on cf_promises_validated.

This should be easy to check. Try removing cf_promises_validated on the
client and then running the agent update (cf-agent -KIB). Since no
cf_promises_validated file exists on the client it will copy the latest
one from the server and it will go ahead and see what other policy files
need updated.

Nick Anderson <n...@cmdln.org>
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