Forum: CFEngine Help
Subject: Client issues
Author: tjavo87
Link to topic:,25362,25362#msg-25362

Hi All,

I encounter a strange behaviour of our cliënts. When I change a promise file on 
the policy server, the cliënt
does not see the change. (the md5 is different on policy server and cliënt)

The policy server, which is a cliënt of itself is the only one who has the 
correct version of the files in the inputs

When looking in the log of the cliënt, there is nothing strange. It only tells 
that cfengine is running.
Mar 23 08:05:23 test cf3[32021]:  R: Fri Mar 23 08:05:22 2012 --> CFE is 
running on test

All the files are valid when checking with cf-promises
When running cf-agent in verbose mode there is no error.

If I change a config file that will be copiëd to a cliënt that change take 
place. The new file will be copied tot he cliënt. (strange?)

Is there someone who has an idea how to see why new promises files are not 
copied to the cliënts?

File permissions?

Thanx and Regards

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