Forum: CFEngine Help
Subject: Re: nfs mount strange behaviour in aix
Author: skel84
Link to topic:,25247,25342#msg-25342

I checked the mount table, and indeed the filesystem is mounted in a different 
When i mount it manually, it gets all the options that are specified in the 
/etc/filesystems file,

# mount /mnt/repos
# mount
  node       mounted        mounted over    vfs       date        options
-------- ---------------  ---------------  ------ ------------ ---------------
nfs_server /repos       /mnt/repos   nfs3   Mar 21 17:48 

but when it's mounted by cfengine it looks like it's not keeping the options

# cf-agent -KI
 -> Filesystem /mnt/repos was not mounted as promised, and no edits were 
promised in /etc/filesystems
 -> Mounting /mnt/repos to keep promise
# mount
  node       mounted        mounted over    vfs       date        options
-------- ---------------  ---------------  ------ ------------ ---------------
nfs_server /repos       /mnt/repos   nfs3   Mar 21 17:57

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