Forum: CFEngine Help
Subject: nfs mount strange behaviour in aix
Author: skel84
Link to topic:,25247,25247#msg-25247

Hi everyone,

i'm experiencing a strange beahviour of the cf-agent while mounting an nfs 
filesystem on a client.

If i unmount the fs and then run the agent, the fs is correctly mounted and i 
get this output, as i expect:
-> Filesystem /mnt/repos was not mounted as promised, and no edits were 
promised in /etc/filesystems
 -> Mounting /mnt/repos to keep promise

At the next scheduled agent run, i get this output instead:

A different file system (myserver01:myserver01) is mounted on /mnt/repos than 
what is promised
 -> Filesystem /mnt/repos was not mounted as promised, and no edits were 
promised in /etc/filesystems
 -> Mounting /mnt/repos to keep promise

Here is the agent bundle:

bundle agent app_aix_mnt {
                handle   => "app_aix_mnt_repo_aix",
                comment  => "$(this.promiser) mount check",            
                mount    => nfs("myserver01","/repos/");

Here is the body bundle:

body mount nfs(server,source)
mount_type => "nfs3";
mount_source => "$(source)";
mount_server => "$(server)";
edit_fstab => "false";

And here is the /etc/filesystems entry (I have set edit_fstab to false because 
i want to keep my custom settings. When i set it to true the agent writes 
another entry in /etc/filesystems.):

        dev             = "/repos/"
        vfs             = nfs
        nodename        = myserver01
        mount           = true
        options         = 
        account         = false

Do you have any idea why i get that output?


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