If you are getting started, there is no reason to use CFEngine 2, which is 
discontinued. CFEngine 3 is much more capable and actively developed and 


On Mar 18, 2012, at 7:03 AM, "54netkey" <54net...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  hi,all
>   I'm a newbie of cfengine. I am using 2.2.10 version of cfengine.
>   In my cfagent.conf I import a file named cf.groups which defined many 
> classes.for a example, in the cf.groups, I defined this:
> groups:
>   initialize = ( '/usr/bin/test -f /var/cfengine/info/newinstall' )
>   I defined a class named initialize if the client have the file of 
> /var/cfengine/info/newinstall
>  then in the shellcommands content of cfagent.conf,I write like this:
> shellcommands:
>  initialize::
>   "/bin/touch /tmp/TTTT"
> but it can't work unless I use AddInstallable = ( initialize ) in the control 
> content of cfagent.conf, Why?
> if I put the initialize class in the groups content of cfagent.conf, it can 
> work. Is it a bug?
> 2012-03-18
> 54netkey
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