On 03/13/2012 09:10 AM, Ted Zlatanov wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Mar 2012 18:43:52 -0500 Nick Anderson <n...@cmdln.org> wrote: 
> NA> I'm kind of surprised that rsync is so much faster than svn update. But
> NA> I haven't tried to use subversion to distribute lots of files, only used
> NA> for small trees. But i seem to use subversion for distributing small
> NA> trees a lot, I should look into it and see how much faster rsync would be.
> Subversion is horribly slow by design.  Look at Git for distributing a
> file tree of small to mid-size files.  I found it was very close to
> rsync for both full and incremental updates.  Make sure you're using the
> smart protocol over HTTP and then you can do authentication as well; the
> native Git protocol is a little faster than HTTP but it's insecure.
> For large files, rsync will win every time.  But I've been considering
> Twitter's Murder (https://github.com/lg/murder) or something like it
> because it is truly distributed and significantly faster if you have
> multiple data centers.
> Ted

Yeah I just haven't gotten around to parsing the git status output to
get back to clean clone state. When i say small file trees, i mean small
number of files typically < 100 not just the file size :)

Nick Anderson <n...@cmdln.org>
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