On Mar 12, 2012, at 16:46, Mikhail Gusarov wrote:
> If there is a serious technical problem with getting QDBM or 
> TokyoCabinet in your environment, please let me know -- we might retain 
> BDB backend (in completely unsupported state) until 3.4.0, but even that 
> would require a significant amount of work, so the reason should be 
> quite compelling (e.g. widely used commercial UNIX where both QDBM and 
> TokyoCabinet fail hard).

Hello Mikhail,

I have used CFengine in legacy environments (RHEL 3, Solaris 8, HP/UX 11)
where it was close to impossible to get CFengine compiled with TokyoCabinet 
(i.e.: I gave up after three hours), and only the vendor supplied Berkeley DB
resulted in a successful compilation. I admit I haven't tried qdbm, at that
time the only other choice was TokyoCabinet.

One of the advantages of CFengine over its competitors (puppet, chef) is that
it is self contained and doesn't have many dependencies, which makes it easy
to compile and use on legacy systems. Adding a "modern" dependency removes
this advantage. Please keep in mind there are a lot of legacy systems out
there that still have to be managed.



Erik Mouw -- erik.m...@snow.nl
Snow B.V. -- http://snow.nl/

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