Forum: CFEngine Help
Subject: Re: Warning: upcoming removal of Berkeley DB backend
Author: sauer
Link to topic:,25234,25236#msg-25236

I've been looking at moving that way for a little while, but haven't quite 
found enough free time.  So, I've got a couple of questions:
 - Is there a reasonable way to port existing information from the BDB 
databases to the new Tokyo Cabinet databases? Presuming no change in the actual 
data being stored, the "learn what's normal on the server" data would be handy 
to start off with rather than having every system start over from scratch.  
This is certainly not an insurmountable issue either way, but, you know, if 
it's easy and possible to retain current data (particularly cf-monitord 
stuff)... :)
 - Is it safe to presume that the precompiled binaries will continue to come 
with the library pre-built, or should I get on top of packaging libTokyoCabinet 
for my Linux systems now?

I suppose the "why not SQLite?" question should be tossed in here just for fun, 
too.  Mostly asked because I already have a working SQLite on all of my systems 
(due to another product requring it), but have never tried CFEngine with that 
as the backend.  Is it slower than other options?

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