On Fri, Dec 02, 2011 at 03:02:33PM -0500, no-re...@cfengine.com wrote:
>Forum: CFEngine Help
>Subject: Re: controlling redhat-style startup services via chkconfig
>Author: matt_garman
>Link to topic: https://cfengine.com/forum/read.php?3,24162,24165#msg-24165
>And also, for what it's worth, if I do away with the "variable" list 
>declaration, it works as expected.  "check_service_enabled.cf":
>bundle agent check_service_enabled
>    vars:
>        # need_ntp::  "service" slist  => { "ntpd", "named" };
>        # !need_ntp:: "service" slist  => { "named" };
>        "service" slist  => { "ntpd", "named" };
>    methods:
>        redhat|centos|SuSE::
>            "any" usebundle => rh_chkconfig_status(${service});
>    reports:
>        need_ntp:: "need NTP";
>        !need_ntp:: "do NOT need NTP";
>When run, prints this:
>R: service ntpd is enabled
>R: service named is enabled
>R: need NTP
>The above is what I expect, but I'd like to do it conditionally, based on the 
>"need_ntp" class I defined.

You can't do this (easily) because vars: promises are processed before
classes: promises.  Thus, but the time you have defined the "needs_ntp"
class, it's too late--you've already processed the vars: definitions.

You have at least two possible workarounds:

1) use hard classes in vars:.  This works because hard classes are
defined before the processing of the promises.

2) do some trickery with isvariable() when defining classes to create
what I call a "guard" class, then use that to define a variable in the
next pass through the bundle.  It's complicated and ugly.

Jesse Becker
NHGRI Linux support (Digicon Contractor)
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