On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 2:23 PM,  sauer wrote:
> It's my understanding that the goal is not so much to create the most compact 
> code, but to encourage abstraction of code as a means of improving 
> readability.

Very well stated.  And I also acknowledge your point about, why would you use

   expression => "any"

just use the any:: class.

Well that "constraint" is from the CFEngine 3 Reference Manual.  It
occurs there multiple times.  I believe it is present because you
cannot have an unconstrained classes type promise because the engine
will throw an "irreconcilable constraints" error message if you do.
Is this intended?  Are constraints on classes type promises mandatory?

I've opened ticket https://cfengine.com/bugtracker/view.php?id=820 to
ask the CFEngine team about  to improve that error message.  (IMHO if
class constraints are mandatory, the error message should say so,
rather than saying that they are "irreconcilable".)  I've also asked
to update the reference manual to add that class constraints are
mandatory, and why.

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