Forum: CFEngine Help
Subject: spurious SETUID/SETGID warnings
Author: rgarner
Link to topic:,23493,23493#msg-23493

I'm getting spurious warnings of the form

cf3>  !! NEW SETGID root PROGRAM 

when copying a new file.  The promise looks like this:

    comment     =>  "Connectivity jar file",
    perms       =>  m("440"),
    copy_from   => from_master("$(src)/usr/local/scu/lib/connectivity.jar"),
    classes     => if_repaired("scu_connect_restart");

body copy_from from_master(from)
source      => "$(from)";
servers     => { "$(g.policy_server)" };
compare     => "digest";
copy_backup => "timestamp";

On a system where the file doesn't exist, I get log messages looking like

cf3>  -> Handling file existence constraints on /usr/local/lib/connectivity.jar
cf3>  -> Removing setgid (root) flag from /usr/local/lib/connectivity.jar...
cf3>  ?> defining promise result class scu_connect_restart
cf3>  !! NEW SETGID root PROGRAM /usr/local/lib/connectivity.jar
cf3> I: Report relates to a promise with handle ""
cf3> I: Made in version 'not specified' of 
'/var/cfengine/inputs/' near line 34
cf3> I: Comment: Connectivity jar file

cf3>  -> Object /usr/local/lib/connectivity.jar had permission 3320, changed it 
to 440
cf3>  ?> defining promise result class scu_connect_restart
cf3>  -> Edited file /var/cfengine/cfagent.lp-ora1-rh.log
cf3>  ?> defining promise result class scu_connect_restart

So for some reason, the file was created with mask 3320 (?!).  On the policy 
server the source file has mask 644.

This is in version cfengine-community-3.2.0-1.el5 (rhel5, x86_64 in case it's 

Is this a bug ?  Can I configure around it ?

Robin Garner
Southern Cross University
Lismore, NSW, Australia

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