I just tried to use CFEngine to edit /etc/services and it refused:

 !! File /etc/services is bigger than the limit edit.max_file_size =
362149 > 100000 bytes
File /etc/services was marked for editing but could not be opened

I found the file size is configurable -- is there anything to watch
out for in bumping this up?  Why is there a limit?


Reference manual states:

5.2.17 editfilesize

Type: int

Allowed input range: 0,99999999999

Default value: 10000

Synopsis: Integer limit on maximum text file size to be edited


body agent control
editfilesize => "120k";


The global setting for the file-editing safety-net (this value may be
overridden on a per-promise basis with max_file_size, See
edit_defaults in files. The default value for editfilesize is 100k.
Note the use of special units is allowed, See Datatypes in CFEngine 3,
for a list of permissible suffixes.
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