We have several software repositories at our site (debian, centos, ..) 
where we maintain are own software. This software is updated frequently and 
we are always in conflict with the package_list_update_ifelapsed
setting. I do not want to maintain our own package settings and the one in
the cfengine_stdlib.cf is fine for me.

But what i want is a setting alla 'refresh_processes'. So the update of the 
package list is done once when requested and the other 'bundles' use the 
cached one.

Here is the example setting for ps:
     # To avoid a lot of ps commands, wait for cf 3.1.3
     refresh_processes => { "none" };

*  Bas van der Vlies                    e-mail: b...@sara.nl       *
*  SARA - Academic Computing Services   Amsterdam, The Netherlands *
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