>-----Original Message-----
>Forum: Cfengine Help
>Subject: Re: Cfengine Help: Hard classes vs defined classes ?
>Author: Seva Gluschenko
>Link to topic: https://cfengine.com/forum/read.php?3,21346,21350#msg-21350
>You can use hostname or IP based guessing like:
>bundle common g
> classes:
>     "central_system" or => {  "ipv4_1_1_1_1", "foo" };
>Here "foo" is short form of hostname for foo.example.com (you might use
>"foo_example_com", too).

My system doesn't use a fully qualified host name, yet cfengine DOES know the 
DNS domain which is clearly output in various verbose traces. Is there any 
sensible way of causing host_domain_name to be set as a globally visible class?

Chris Ritson (Computing Officer and School Safety Officer)

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