On 28 January 2011 17:00, Jesse Becker <becker...@mail.nih.gov> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 10:27:18AM -0500, Mike Svoboda wrote:
>> I?m using a SVN hook on post-commit to send a email to a bunch of
>> important folks with the SVN diff / files changed when I make a merge into
>> my production Cfengine branch.
>> What cool tricks are other folks using on pre-commit / post-commit.
>>  Anyone checking / creating JIRA tickets, validating the syntax of the
>> promises, or other cool stuff?  I?d be curious to see what other folks are
>> doing.

We have integrated our SVN repository with Trac (ticketing / project management
system). The SVN hook simply blocks commits that don't reference an open
ticket in Trac.

The hook is just the hook provided with Trac (in contrib).

> We have a few pre/post commit hooks, and make use of svnlog.  Nothing
> really fancy, but it could be expanded upon without too much trouble.
> I'd like to add basic syntax checking at some point.
> I've attached a cleaned copy of our post-commit script (the pre-commit
> amounts to "root can't commit to SVN").
> The post-commit script calls the 'svnlog' program that is available
> from the subversion project to generate and send emails.  We use v1.14,
> although that shouldn't matter much.  (For those that don't know, it
> basically makes a pretty email that includes a 'diff' for the commit
> in question.)
> I'm sure there's room for improvement, but it works for us at the
> moment.
> --
> Jesse Becker
> NHGRI Linux support (Digicon Contractor)
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Brett Delle Grazie
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