Forum: Cfengine Help
Subject: Perms set to 0 during copy
Author: bbomgardner
Link to topic:,18716,18716#msg-18716

This code copies the contents of the directory and then sets the permissions on 
the copied files to 0.  If I don't request any perms, the files remain 600.
I tried setting the preserve option on/off in the remote_cp body but that 
didn't change anything.

body common control
bundlesequence  => { test1 };

bundle agent test1
    copy_from       =>      
    perms           =>      og("sisp-us","users"),
    depth_search    =>      recurse("inf"),
    action          =>      immediate;

body copy_from remote_cp(from,server)
servers     => { "$(server)" };
source      => "$(from)";
compare     => "mtime";

body perms og(u,g)
owners => { "$(u)" };
groups => { "$(g)" };

body action immediate
ifelapsed => "0";

body depth_search recurse(d)

depth => "$(d)";
xdev  => "true";

momo:/var/cfengine # bin/cf-agent -If
 -> Copying from
 -> Owner of /tmp/test/file2 was 0, setting to 1001
 -> Group of /tmp/test/file2 was 0, setting to 100
 -> Object /tmp/test/file2 had permission 600, changed it to 0
 -> Copying from
 -> Owner of /tmp/test/file1 was 0, setting to 1001
 -> Group of /tmp/test/file1 was 0, setting to 100
 -> Object /tmp/test/file1 had permission 600, changed it to 0

What is going on here?  I feel pretty stupid because I know I'm missing 
something obvious...

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