Wise words!

michoski wrote:
> On 9/22/10 12:16 PM, "Les Mikesell" <lesmikes...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Well, no.  I don't consider reading and sometimes responding to things
>> on a mail list as being fed.  Or that I have anything to lose from
>> having an opinion that differs from yours.  So far I don't think
>> cfengine does what I need but it is interesting enough to watch.
> Fair enough, but I'd like to expand this based upon my own personal
> experience...
> Based upon my trials and tribulations (over the past 10 years), no tool does
> what I need it to out of the box.  This is the same for bcfg, blade logic,
> cfengine, isconf, puppet, etc (alpha order).  Each consists of a steep
> learning curve, followed by waves of understanding (including understanding
> the shortcomings that must be worked around), and then a somewhat
> site-specific mastery that typically involves process and tool development
> outside the configuration management platform itself.
> Configuration management really is a discipline unto itself, which requires
> a lot of time and planning to do right.  I feel this is an obvious shift the
> industry has slowly acknowledged, but still needs work to fully understand.
> For example, being asked to "just make configuration management happen" as
> an extra hat to wear without any insight into the development lifecycle or
> guiding principles usually won't have desirable effects.
> Any tool one selects will take some time to understand and extend.  I'm glad
> to hear Nova is attempting to offer a boxed solution to many of the hurdles
> IT management faces with configuration management, but realistically expect
> to do a fair amount of work integrating any new tool with our environments.
> I've experienced the same amount of "integration" work in commercial
> solutions charging thousands just to license the endpoints.

Mark Burgess

Professor of Network and System Administration
Oslo University College, Norway

Personal Web: http://www.iu.hio.no/~mark
Office Telf : +47 22453272
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