On 9/22/2010 1:45 PM, Mark Burgess wrote:
>> On the other hand fragmenting the code/functionality between different
>> open/commercial versions tends to alienate any community support and
>> make you expect to hit a dead end with the free version. I'll point to
>> opennms again as an example.
> Les, I wonder if you can write an email that doesn't contain an insinuation 
> of conspiracy
> or complaint. You started several months ago, as I recall.

What's the point of writing if I didn't hope something would change?

> Unlike the picture you paint, I see a great and largely happy community, 
> flourishing and
> growing every day, empowered by our software and with people generous beyond 
> what anyone
> could expect with their time and helpfulness. Your emails are just spreading 
> negativity. I
> question your motives. Cfengine has been going strong for 17 years on the 
> same model --
> what dead end do you think we are going to hit? Seriously.

I'm confused.  I thought Nova was a recent thing.  Have you always been 
unable to use the same code for development/testing as you would after 
purchasing support?

> Since you are still here, you must see the flaw in your own argument. It 
> makes little
> sense to bite the hand the feeds you.

Well, no.  I don't consider reading and sometimes responding to things 
on a mail list as being fed.  Or that I have anything to lose from 
having an opinion that differs from yours.  So far I don't think 
cfengine does what I need but it is interesting enough to watch.

   Les Mikesell

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