Forum: Cfengine Help (Mailing list)
Subject: Re: How to remove clients from cfengine 3 reports?
Author: Justin
Link to topic:,16582,16594#msg-16594

I'm running into a similar problem. I just permanently shut down a Solaris zone 
that runs Cfengine due to a problem with the zone. As such, the policy server 
hangs for quite a while, waiting to time out when trying to retrieve the 
statistics .nov files from it. I think there needs to be a simple, built-in way 
to immediately remove a system from the policy server without having to make 
weird tweaks to one of the policy files or to hack together an in-house script 
or binary to clean up what should be a native function. I don't want to have 
the policy server's cf-agent processes hanging every run for a week (or longer, 
as I may even extend lastseenexpireafter) every time we decommission a system.

Just my $.02.


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