Hi Niek,

I'm using Cfengine Nova and still in the process of deploying and
testing Nova on a very small number of systems. I hope to complete our
rollout entirely within the next 3 months. So based on that, here are my

1. 14 currently, ~500 within the next few months
2. Small number of operating systems, large variety of OS releases
   (e.g. RHEL 5.3, Solaris 10 Update 5), but LOTS of variances in
   system configurations. 
3. Many reasons:
   a. Help standardize the environment
   b. Help capture configuration one-offs for easier reproduction should
a system
      die or need to be replicated 
   c. Simplify build processes by moving post-install stuff from
      Jumpstart and Kickstart into Cfengine policies (e.g. creating
      single points of change so that both new and existing systems
      pick up the changes)
   d. Reduce admin-hours spent fixing things that can be automatically
      so that admins can spend their time on more important things
   e. Enhance IT Change Control policies and procedures
4. The learning curve of Nova. Learning to think in the Cfengine way.
   to think of requirements from the client-side perspective rather than
   a central management server perspective.
5. Not so far, but it's too early to tell. ;)
6. I could probably list a few things, but they'd mostly be due to my
   inexperience with Cf3/Nova and not yet seeing the Cf3 way of doing
   things. I will go ahead and say that working with lists, arrays, and
   could still use some enhancement, and being able to easily read
   output directly into arrays (analogous to readstringarray) would be


-----Original Message-----
From: help-cfengine-boun...@cfengine.org
[mailto:help-cfengine-boun...@cfengine.org] On Behalf Of Niek Timmers
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 2:49 PM
To: help-cfengine@cfengine.org
Subject: little Cfengine survey

Dear *,

I am a student of the University of Amsterdam, currently enrolled in the
System & Network Engineering Master program. At the moment I am doing a
small project concerned Cfengine which involves looking into the
usability of this solution. Especially I am interested in what was the
reason to implement Cfengine and what was difficult doing this. Hereby I
would like to ask you to fill in a this survey.

1) How many servers do you manage with Cfengine?
2) What is the level of configuration heterogeneity in this environment?
3) Why was Cfengine needed?
4) What was difficult or a problem during the implementation?
5) Does Cfengine limit you in configuring your servers?
6) Do you miss any features in Cfengine?

If this survey is inappropriate on this mailing list, please feel free
to ignore it!

Kind Regards,

Niek Timmers
University of Amsterdam
System & Network Engineering

Help-cfengine mailing list

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