Oh, I see. You are thinking too procedurally. Your statement is not convergent, 
so it is
rejected by cfengine. There is no convergent solution for "x" in your statement.

nwat...@symcor.com wrote:
> Mark Burgess <mark.burg...@iu.hio.no> wrote on 2009-12-02 00:21:41:
>> Exactly as you did. It works for me.
> What I did I would consider concatenating lists.  I was hoping to append 
> as in:
>     vars:
>         any::
>             "x" slist => { "one", "two", "three" };
>         redhat::
>             "x" slist => { "@{x}", "four", "five" };
> Alas cf-promises does not like this so I must assume that appending a list 
> is not possible unless there is another method that I am not aware of.
> Scalar variable "x" contains itself (non-convergent): @{x}
> Variable "x" contains itself indirectly - an unkeepable promise
> Sincerely,
> --
> Neil Watson
> 416-673-3465
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Mark Burgess

Professor of Network and System Administration
Oslo University College, Norway

Personal Web: http://www.iu.hio.no/~mark
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