I tryed send original mail to maling

Please revise me

2010/5/29 Przemysław Czerpak <dru...@acn.waw.pl>

> On Sat, 29 May 2010, pete_westg wrote:
> Hi,
> > ..I'd prefer to we follow a "Harbour-Fund" financing model. That is,
> > we start making donations to a common-treasure and let project
> > leaders decide and make "hiring" agreements for manual creation, or
> > whatever would help project's improvement.
> > But, of course, let's hear other harbour followers opinions.
> xHarbour.com has excellent documentation and for last four or five years
> they have not been able to sell enough copy to receive back money they had
> to pay for professional documentation writer. And here we have ready
> product
> not sth what may appear in the future. If ready to use product cannot be
> sold in enough number of copies then for sure we have no chance to collect
> enough money for sth what does not exist yet.
> Instead starting such foundation may be the end of Harbour. It will not
> allow to collect enough money to pay professional documentation writer
> but it may be the source of never ending discussion when the documentation
> will have been finished addressed to me and some other core developers.
> I'm not slave of Harbour users and for sure I will not tolerate such
> messages for long time.
> This is my last massage in this thread. I strongly suggest to invest
> resources necessary to create such long messages about "how to create
> harbour documentation" in creating some real documentation. It will
> be really productive.
> best regards,
> Przemek
> _

Massimo Belgrano
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