Ah. Correct again! I thought if the gcc version I wanted to use before any other was first in the windows path, it would only be used... but I am incorrect.
# proper ! HB_COMPILER: mingw (v44) (autodetected: c:/mingw/bin/) # problematic ! HB_COMPILER: mingw (v45) (autodetected: c:/mingw/bin/gcc.exe C:/strawberry/c/bin/) If it detected Strawberry Perl's gcc version after mine, which it seems like it did as it comes 2nd on the above printout.... can't the version detect / only use the first one, c:/mingw/bin/gcc.exe? This time, I was reading other threads about problems like these... but perhaps I made too big of an assumption this time. On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 1:55 PM, Viktor Szakáts <harbour...@syenar.hu>wrote: > I can just guess without seeing the beginning of your log output. > Maybe you manually set HB_COMPILER (without setting HB_COMPILER_VER). > > Viktor
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