> Hopefully these questions aren't too n00b-like.
> 1) If hbcurl.hbc will set up everything for me, then does that mean 
> HB_WITH_CURL isn't necessary upon compiling?

HB_WITH_CURL is necessary when building Harbour and/or 
when creating import libraries. Not needed when using 
hbcurl.hbc, since at this point all the required libs 
should be in Harbour lib dir.

Simplest example:

1. Setup HB_WITH_*
2. set HB_BUILD_IMPLIB=yes
3. Build Harbour
4. Pass hb*.hbc to hbmk2 cmdline to create app.

> 2) Do I need to modify hbcurl.hbc?  If the answer to the above question is 
> that I don't need to use HB_WITH_CURL (which I don't think is true), then I 
> don't think hbcurl.hbc has enough info to know where I unzipped 
> curl-7.20.1-devel-mingw32.zip to setup everything up for me.

No need to modify it.

> 3)  What am I susposed to do with the hbcurl.hbc file?  The only thing I 
> could think of was passing it to hbmk2... this is probably way off from what 
> I'm susposed to do.

Yes, you have to pass it to hbmk2.

> This was my command I tried... feel free to laugh at me!  
> C:\hbm>g:\harbour\bin\hbmk2.exe g:\harbour\contrib\hbcurl\hbcurl.hbc 
> .\hello.prg -lhbcurl

Why do you insist on -lhbcurl? ;) It's not needed.
Otherwise it's right.

> I also tried -hbcs=<file> switch after reading the hbmk2 switches, but I 
> don't think I have any real clue what I am doing.  C compiler basic facts are 
> a bit beyond me.

'-hbcs=' is not an cmdline option, but an .hbc option (something 
you use _in_ an .hbc file). Not needed here.


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