On 2010.05.18 11:12, Viktor Szakáts wrote:
That's because you've never tried line selection mode. After you'll try it, 
you'll miss it. I promise you :)

I'm copying lines by the thousands since long time
using stream method, and it causes no perceivable
overhead, so most probably I will not miss it in
my lifetime anymore. One less feature to worry about,
and this is always a good thing :)

I can only repeat myself: because you've never tried :)

I absolutely agree, but can't this be made into
HBIDE in a simple way?

For example:
Shift+cursor: stream selection
Alt+cursor: block selection
Ctrl+cursor: line selection

For me the expected behaviour are:
  Ctrl+Left,Right  word left, word right
  Ctrl+Up Down     scroll text up, down

Possiblity to not keep pressed Shift/Alt/Ctrl is very useful if large blocks should be copied. Let's say I need to mark the whole text from the current line to the end of file.
is very easy to press. Correct handling of Shift+Ctrl+PgDown helps here, but not all functionality works if I need to keep some key pressed all the time.

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