
So, I never in the last 15 years missed this feature.
Stream handles the matter just fine:
   Home, Shift+Up/Down,<copy>, PgUp/PgDn/Up/Down
   to proper place,<paste>, bingo.

That's because you've never tried line selection mode. After you'll try it, you'll miss it. I promise you :)

Seems much simpler than selecting between 3 different
selection modes, keeping them in mind, mousing in
between and pressing out of reach keys like F11, let
alone Shift+F11.

You do not need to keep them in mind and you do not need use mouse. Usually I can keep mouse upside down. That's only the problem of current hbide behaviour. In current hbide code exists application state "active selection mode", but it should be implemented a different way: a different keys should start a different types of selections, and no "active selection mode" status at all. That's why I'm asking about ::startColumnSelection() instead of current ::toggleColumnSelectionMode().

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