You are near to have all working you need only to verify the harbour hbqt
lib is compiled and installed on your system

Please verify if there is  the harbour hbqt lib in your system:

- Update the locate files index database, to be sure it have latest
installed or compiled files in it open a terminal from
Application→Accessories→Terminal and type or copy and paste:

sudo /etc/cron.daily/mlocate;

Then still using terminal use the locate command to search the libqt files
(filtering only the files within "lib" in the result)

locate hbqt | grep -i lib

In my Ubuntu 9.10 i get this result, yuo must have this lib installed


Feel free to send me privately the result of all commands (you can repeat
and check for errors all of them without any damage on your Ubuntu
installation for example repeat ./MB)

This command will download and compile Harbour from svn

cd $HOME/src


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