Good thoughts.


On 2010 Apr 10, at 21:40, Lorenzo Fiorini wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 6:52 PM, Antonio Maniero <> wrote:
>> Some rules I've learned:
>> ...
>> []'s Maniero
> Excuse my jump in and feel free to ignore everything.
> For me WP should be only a place where to say that Harbour exist and
> what it is while the "details and comparisons" should be elsewhere.
> I understand that expression like "fast", "modern" or "unlike Java"
> need to be proved and that a sentence like "Most softwares originally
> writen to run on Xbase++, Flagship, FoxPro, xHarbour and others
> dialects can be compiled with Harbor with some adaptation." can be
> "critical". I've used FoxPro in the past and I can say that "some
> adaption" is not the term I'd use for a conversion :)
> Instead you could summarize the introduction leaving only the facts like:
> ...
> Harbour is an open source computer programming language. The compiler,
> the runtime and the support libraries are written in Ansi C and
> Harbour itself so they can be built on every operating system that has
> a compatible C compiler. Harbour is known to work under Microsoft
> Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, BSD,  Windows CE, OS/2 Ecomstation,
> Haiku/BeOS.
> The open source Harbour license[1]  is similar to the GNU General
> Public License, with an exception supporting commercial applications,
> so commercial applications can be produced with Harbour and
> distributed.
> ...
> Concepts like "multiple graphic terminals" or "replaceable database
> driver" are difficult to explain in few sentences and can be even
> misleading so I would remove them.
> In general I think you could present Harbour as a language by itself
> instead of a Clipper clone. The vast majority of developers don't know
> what Clipper is so references to it are almost useless.
> Then you could add some code examples trying to make the code as clean
> as possible starting with:
> function main()
>   outstd( "Hello World" )
> return
> I would avoid:
> - mention macro
> - things like ? or QOut
> - terms like procedure or routine
> - show both begin sequence and try catch syntax
> - using DO <x>
> - show DO CASE
> best regards,
> Lorenzo
> think
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