The main menu of  Visual studio 2008
So moving in hbide view after edit it look very similar
Here visual studio 2008 menu (are similar)
To be more similar with visual studio Will gray be replaced by light blue of
In theme manager hbide background toolbar and menu
hbide status row

will same dialog open in a tab instead right windows?
In attached a sample using theme manager
only as example
Large dialog require a proper autonomy space
right is good for list of function, view documentation

In same strange situation (after at least 5 min that is opened hbide) when i
try close hbide it not close
It require me are you sure but nont close also if i press yes

Possible remember in each hbp the last file and last row opened?

I propose skip welcome tab beacuse it wasting time...

Massimo Belgrano

<<attachment: hbide same option opened inside main tab.jpg>>

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